Usage Alerts

Roctel want to help you keep in control of your bill.

When you reach 50%, 85% and 100% of your included limit, you will receive an SMS usage alert from Roctel. These notifications do not include usage outside your plan such as usage while overseas, international calls/SMS or Premium services.

Once you have reached 100% of the included usage, your service may be temporarily suspended until the next billing cycle begins.

Any additional usage on the service will be charged at the rates for your current mobile plans. To find out this information, please see theĀ Critical Information Summary for your mobile plan.

Usage alerts may be delayed by up to 48 hours, therefore we do not recommend solely relying on these as the only way to monitor your usage.

You can also log onto the customer portal to monitor your usage.

For more information, please call our Customer Care Team on 1800 ROCTEL (762835).